Dive Sites Sharm El Sheikh
Located at the tip of the Sinai Peninsula — the dive sites around Sharm El Sheikh make it one of the oldest and most famous diving destinations in the world. There are over 35 amazing dive sites we can visit with a diverse range of underwater topography. Swim through gentle bays with gorgeous coral gardens or drift along fabulous wall dives and submerged reefs.
All of the dive sites in Sharm el Sheikh are within easy reach by boat. It seldom takes much more than an hour to reach them from the jetties we use.
The dive sites in Sharm El Sheikh are split into three main areas:
- The Straits of Tiran in the north,
- Local dive sites fringing the coast and,
- World-famous Ras Mohammed National Park.
Below you will find a map of the dive sites and a short description of the main features of each site.

Ras Mohammed National Park Overview

Dive Sites in Ras Mohammed
- Ras Ghozlani
- Ras Za’atar
- Jackfish Alley
- Eel Garden and Shark Observatory
- Shark and Yolanda Reefs
- Dunraven Wreck
The Straits of Tiran Overview

The eastern arm of the Red Sea, which separates the Sinai from Saudi Arabia, is known as the Gulf of Aqaba. It is a huge rift in the sea floor that plunges down thousands of meters into the deep. At the mouth of the gulf is Tiran Island, and it is between Tiran Island and the Sinai that the Straits of Tiran are located.
The Straits consist of four reefs named Gordon, Thomas, Woodhouse and Jackson. These names come from the British Cartographers that first mapped the area.
Rising from the deep waters to the surface, these massive coral heads display stunning colours and coral diversity. They are swept daily by fierce currents that occur as the waters from the Gulf flow back and forth through the narrow channel. It’s these currents that bring nutrient rich waters to the reef.
The corals flourish and there are an abundance of reef fish. This in turn draws pelagic fish such as Snappers, Tuna and Barracuda, and the Sharks to the area. Cruising the walls and coral gardens you may see white-tip or grey reef sharks. Sometimes visiting from the depths you could find silver-tip, leopard, thresher, tiger or scalloped hammerhead sharks.
Dive Sites in The Straits of Tiran
Local Dive Sites