Thomas Reef

Thomas reef is the smallest of the Tiran Reefs. It’s best known for it’s spectacularly deep canyon which starts at around 35 metres and sinks down into the depths. It’s a favourite with Technical Divers — but recreational divers can marvel as they drift across the top of the huge rift running parallel with the reef.
The dive starts off across a deep plateau at about 25 metres. This is adorned with swathes of large gorgonian fans, whip corals and colourful soft corals. Gradually make your way up the reef wall where the colours of the soft and hard corals are astonishing.
If the currents allow, the dive can take you down to northern end of the reef. Here you will find a number of atmospheric overhangs and small caves. In this area it’s always worth keeping an eye out for sharks passing between Thomas and it’s neighbouring reef.