Meet the Team
It is our dedicated team of dive staff that creates the friendly and relaxed atmosphere for which Oonas Dive Club is renowned. Here is an insight into the members of our team.

Sean Redshaw
-Dive Qualification:
-Dived Where:
Red Sea, Turkey,
Spain, Italy
-Favourite Red Sea Diving Experience:
Being overtaken
on Woodhouse reef
by a Thresher Shark
-Funniest/Embarrassing Moment:
Misidentifying tuna as sharks, forgetting that snorkels don't work at five meters, and calling a diver 'Steve' for his entire holiday...only to discover on his last day in Sharm that his name was Michael
-Most Likely to:
Give the mother-of-all thirty-minute dive briefings, and then jump on a completely different dive site to the one described.

-Dive Qualification:
-Dived Where:
Red Sea, Caribbean, Maldives, Indonesia, Sudan
-Favourite Red Sea Diving Experience:
Close encounter of the Whale Shark kind. so close we were eyeball to eyeball
-Funniest/Embarrassing Moment:
There are many, and she can be bribed to reveal them over a glass of wine or three
-Most Likely to:
See the best stuff when she doesn't have a camera in her hand.

-Dive Qualification:
PADI Staff Instructor
-Dived Where:
Red Sea, Caribbean, Maldives,
Indonesia, UK
-Favourite Red Sea Diving Experience:
Spending well over an hour interacting with dolphins, if the air had lasted longer I would have stayed there longer
-Funniest/Embarrassing Moment:
Falling off the back of the boat to check the current 200 meters from the reef without a mask, it doesn’t work
-Most Likely to:
Be dressed up in a Sexy Santa outfit at Christmas Eve party!